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FOUNDRY CAMS: Kyra Rocks Out in her STAY COZY shirt

Views: 16218
Posted by foundrymusic
15 years ago
Tags: foundry, foundrymusic, foundrycams, foundrycam, cams, kyra, stay, cozy, shirt, webcam, striptease, high, heels, blond, busty, thong, bikini, jody, raffoul

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Beautiful, blonde, busty, and Canadian... Kyra has once again saddled up for an amazing webcam performance. This time, she's sporting on of our signature "Stay Cozy' shirts (available at Xrated shirts), and flaunting her flawless ass.
This is one of those few videos that we have tried valiantly to jump through the monitor to be with a cam girl, but just like the last forty-seven times we tried, we just get headaches. Music by JODY RAFFOUL,

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